Python 3: The Next Generation
Python is currently at a crossroads: Python 2 has taken it from a quiet word-of-mouth language to primetime, with many companies around the world using it and an ever-increasing global marketshare of the programming world. But now comes Python 3, the first version of the language that is not backwards compatible with previous releases.
What does this mean? Are all my Python programs going to break? Will I have to rewrite everything? How much time do I have? When is Python 2 going to be EOL’d? Is the language undergoing a complete rewrite and will I even recognize it? What are the changes between Python 2 and 3 anyway?
Also, the next generation is already here, as Python 3 is over two years old now. What has been ported so far, and what is its current status? Are migration plans or transition tools available? If I want to start learning Python, should I do Python 2 or Python 3? Are all Python 2 books obsolete?
We will attempt to answer all of these questions and more. Join us!
Detalhes sobre o palestrante

WESLEY J. CHUN, MSCS, is the author of Prentice Hall's bestseller, "Core Python Programming" (, its video training course, "Python Fundamentals" (LiveLessons DVD), and co-author of "Python Web Development with Django" (, and has written for Linux Journal, CNET, and InformIT. In addition to being an engineer and Developer Advocate at Google, he runs CyberWeb (, a consultancy specializing in Python software and training courses. He has over 25 years of programming, teaching, and writing experience, including more than a decade of Python. While at Yahoo!, Wesley helped create Yahoo!Mail using Python. He holds degrees in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Music from the University of California.