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Little things that PyPy makes possible

Auditório Dorneles Treméa


Language English
Level: Iniciante

PyPy is just a python interpreter. One of the original goals of the project were to make existing python programs run faster, and PyPy succeeded in that.

However, the even more exciting part is that optimizations implemented in PyPy let people do things in Python that were not possible before, like real-time video processing, numeric array manipulation faster than in C etc. etc.

During the talk I'll present some demos and talk what things are possible havinga decent optimizing just-in-time compiler and briefly discuss strategies that we used for achieving this. I'll also discuss how faster-than-C, pypy's original goal from years ago, is after all not that far off.

Detalhes sobre o palestrante

Maciej FijalkowskiMaciej Fijalkowski
Maciej Fijalkowski é core developer do PyPy project. Ele começou a contribuir em um projeto para o Google Summer of Code em 2005, e desde então tem trabalhado no core do PyPy, incluindo ctypes, o Just-In-Time compiler, garbage collectors e muito mais.


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